Now, I am still a novice when it comes to programming. I believe MATLAB is definitely a great programming tool, one that I can play with, particularly, when I have free time.
I would love to hear from all answerers, what are the ways that can make one proficient in this field?
9 years on and my question continues to get responses.. Though I've not used Matlab since leaving University, I can attest to the fact that getting your hands dirty (read: hands-on) is almost certain to get you good at any programming language (I'm self-taught in Python that way). Also, plenty of online references/materials that one can easily access these days. Good luck to those who are starting to use MATLAB, you can do it!
We have a Signal Processing Onramp tutorial on the tutorials page. I believe it was added fairly recently.
There are also MATLAB and Simulink based books on the subject of digital signal processing. At least a couple of the nearly 300 books in that category seem to be textbooks and/or targeted at introducing MATLAB and the topic to newer users.
Some of the examples for DSP System Toolbox linked from the Examples "button" on the Support section of this website (look for the light bulb) may be useful if you have specific tasks in mind.
12. Write a MATLAB program to find the Fibonacci series using recursive functions?
Is there ways where I can learn dsp for matlab, or communications. Like step by step explanantions.
study the material carefully and ask somone who's good at matlab in face to face so you can learn some exprience from them
Most engineering professors should be able to help in assisting you master matlab, that is how I got significantly better using the program. Just associate yourself with people who already have good skills with the program and you should be able to master it with practice!!
Is it improper to answer a question with a question??
One can Master Matlab??
All of these links are very nice. I thought with the change of the help documentation in 2012b, bumping this to the front my be useful to some newcomers.
Get to know a Matlab expert if there is one around who can help you when you are stuck. In my school the older students helped the new students.
This isn't actually structured as a tutorial, but I tagged it as such because it contains information that should (ideally) be placed in to a tutorial.
Thank you everyone! All great and helpful answers, but I have to pick and accept one, and so I am choosing the one with the most votes.
- What everyone else said. (Especially training & tutorials. Disclaimer: I'm not entirely impartial!)
- Read blogs like Loren on the Art of MATLAB.
- Play around on something like Project Euler.
In addition to the recommendation of others:
I highly recommend the book, " Mastering MATLAB " by Duane Hanselman. This book takes the reader through the basics and covers advanced topics with many, many examples.
In addition to the above: Browse/play through "all" demos.
ending = 'Answers/CSSM posts';
- ['Reading ' ending]
- ['trying/understanding others'' replies on ' ending]
- ['Replying to others'' posts on ' ending]
- Browsing the FEX
I'm pretty much self taught in MATLAB from the above.
If you prefer to learn in a more structured/classroom environment, I would recommend the training courses from MathWorks:
- MATLAB Fundamentals
- MATLAB-Based Optimization Techniques
- Parallel Computing with MATLAB
- Statistical Methods in MATLAB
- MATLAB For Data Processing and Visualization
- MATLAB For Building Graphical User Interfaces
- MATLAB Programming Techniques
Obviously, pick the ones that apply to what you want to do.
If you already have Matlab installed, type 'demo' in Matlab command window. Select 'Matlab' at the left column and you'll see three videos available for jump start. After that, type 'doc' and then find 'Matlab','Getting Started'. I taught myself Matlab this way.