2,444 results

Curve intersections


by NS

Fast computation of intersections and self-intersections of curves using vectorization.

While a few other functions already exist in FEX that compute the intersection points of curves, this short piece of code was written with speed being the highest priority. No loops are used

Computes intersection points of two curves.

This function computes the (x,y) locations where two curves intersect. The curves can be broken with NaNs or have vertical segments. It is also very fast (at least on data that represents what I

Finds the intersection points between two arbitrary polygons.

GeneralThis file is based on the Curve Intersect function by Duane Hanselman. It extends the scope of the function to handle arbitrary lines / polygons, which may also have vertical segments or

Computes the self-intersections of a curve.

This function computes the locations where a curve self-intersects in a fast and robust way. The curve can be broken with NaNs or have vertical segments. Segments of the curve involved in each of the

many line and curve intersection.

easy to use for any type of line and curve intersection with example.

Plot intersection curves for implicit surfaces

Implicit surfaces can be plotted with the isosurface function, but to my knowledge there is no function for plotting the intersection curve between two implicit surfaces. The isocurve3 function


Finds intersections of two piecewise linear plane curves.

[xs,ys] = cint(x1,y1,x2,y2) finds intersection points of the curves defined by straight lines between the length(x1) points in the plane, (x1,y1), and the length(x2) points in the plane (x2,y2).The

Detects global reflection symmetry axes inside an image

A set of Matlab functions which solve the "bacterial billiards" problem in closed confinement.

following url,https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/22441-curve-intersectionsand is included as a dependency in the code.

This tool is an extension of to the autonomous driving toolbox for: directed graph creation, path estimation, and vehicle to vehicle communi

Intersection-Navigation-and-Path-EstimationVersion 1.0September 2020IntroductionThis tool is an extension of to the autonomous driving toolbox for: directed graph creation, path estimation, and

Intersection of two triangulated surfaces

Function calculates intersection of any two triangulated surfaces using triangle/triangle intersection algorithm proposed by Tomas Möller (1997) and implemented as highly vectorized MATLAB code. The



by John D'Errico

Find the closest point on a (n-dimensional) curve to any given point or set of points

I've seen many people ask for a way to find the closest point on a curve from some given point in space. If the curve is a piecewise linear one, this is not too difficult, since this reduces to

plane_line_intersect computes the intersection of a plane and a segment(or

%plane_line_intersect computes the intersection of a plane and a segment (or a straight line)% Inputs: % n: normal vector of the Plane % V0: any point that belongs to the Plane % P0: end point 1

Fast vectorized triangle/ray intersection algorithm

Ray/triangle intersection using the algorithm proposed by Möller and Trumbore (1997), implemented as highly vectorized MATLAB code. The algorithm can work with one and two sided surfaces, as well as

impedance matching microwave engineering POZAR chapter 05 exercise 03



by John D'Errico

Distance based interpolation along a general curve in space

A common request is to interpolate a set of points at fixed distances along some curve in space (2 or more dimensions.) The user typically has a set of points along a curve, some of which are closely

It computes the intersection of two planes in space.

and Plane 2 coincide% 2:Plane 1 and Plane 2 intersect)% Example:% Determine the intersection of these two planes:% 2x - 5y + 3z = 12 and 3x + 4y - 3z = 6% The first plane is

Compute the intersection of a reference line (or line segment) with a polyshape boundary or with a batch of other line segments.

The command linexlines2D() offered in this submission is a flexible tool for computing the intersection points between a reference 2D line segment and a batch of other 2D line segments. Either the

Vehicle Longitudinal Dynamics, Acceleration Performance and Fuel Consumtion

Finds the pairwise intersection points between line segments in 2D Cartesian space.

OUT = LINESEGMENTINTERSECT(XY1,XY2) generates intersection analysis between the line segment sets given in XY1 and XY2. Code can handle coincident and parallel lines.The main emphasis is on speed

Calculates the local radius of curvature as well as the cumulative arc length and the curvature vector along a 1D curve in 2D or 3D space

the curve. The curvature is defined as . The curvature vector is , where is the unit vector in the direction from to the center of the circle.Note that this local calculation is sensitive to noise

Fast mesh-mesh intersection based on ray-tri solution. Octree partitioning gives large speed-up.

% Putative points of intersection between each pair of surfaces are located% by assuming that each constituent mesh triangle edge represents an% infinitesimal ray, then solving the ray-triangle

Examples of 3D curves described in Chapter 7 of the book: "CRC Standard Curves and Surfaces"

Examples of Three dimensional curves described in Chapter 7 ofthe book: "CRC Standard Curves and Surfaces" by David von Seggern (1993).The zip file includes the following curves:a) Helical curves

The Fill Between Area Curve creates a shaded area between two data series, effectively highlighting the region of overlap or difference.

Fill Between Area Curve Version 1.0DescriptionThe Fill Between Area Curve creates a shaded area between two data series, effectively highlighting the region of overlap or difference.DependenciesFor

gaussian curve fit

Generates the outer and inner parallel curves in rectangular coordinates.

Simple program to generate the inner and outer parallel curves in rectangular coordinates. inner parallel is toward the center of curvature and outer parallel is away from the center of curvature

Find vertex or (in)equality forms of convex polyhedra in R^n (for n not super large). Also, compute their intersections and unions.

column vectors, respectively. The (in)equality representation expresses the polyhedron as the intersection of two regions. One region is a solid N-dimensional shape, described by the inequalities, while

Mathematical intersection of range composed of a union of intervals

Purpose: Range/interval intersectionA and B two ranges of closed intervals written as vectors [lowerbound1 upperbound1 lowerbound2 upperbound2] or as matrix [lowerbound1, lowerbound2, lowerboundn

Function shades the area between two vectors.

A generalization of INTERSECT to handle multiple inputs.

A function to compute the intersection between two planes of the 3D space.

Please first check the examples tab (.mlx file) here on the right for a complete description.Once downloaded, typewrite 'help planes_intersection' or 'doc planes_intersection' in Matlab console for

Hilbert Curve


by Federico Forte

How to draw the famous Hilbert curve, the curve that fills an area.

This recursive function calculates coordinates of n-th order Hilbert curve. It is then possible to plot it using the "line" command.

constructs a Bezier curve using a given set of control points

This is a simple program that constructs a Bezier curve using a given number of control points. Besides, it also plots the corresponding characteristic polygon.

Takes n point inputs through cursor or kerboard ,plots a bezier curve using them as control points

Presenting the one and only Generalised Bezier curve !!!! Yes folks Matlab code for n points , this program will plot the Bezier curve for any number of points be it 2 or 3 or even 100 or more points



by Ulrich Reif

Partition a surface by intersection with another one.

SurfPart determines the intersection of a surface with another one and provides access to connected segments and intersection curves. In particular, this facilitates rendering of trimmed patches

Interface for generating the Koch curve

Application for generating the Koch curve (or Koch snowflake) fractal by selecting the number of iterations. Just unzip and run the Koch_curve_GUI.m file.

Calculate intersection point of two 2d lines specified with 2 points each

Calculate intersection point of two 2d lines specified with 2 points each(X1, Y1; X2, Y2; X3, Y3; X4, Y4), while 1&2 and 3&4 specify a line.Gives back NaN or Inf/-Inf if lines are parallel (=

This function computes the intersection any Ellipsoid and a Plane,

Arbitrary ELIPSOID and A PLANE INTERSECTION function[Aye,Bye,qx,qy,qz]=intersection_elipsoid_plane2(elp,plane) % Plane equation AA.x + BB.y + CC.z+ DD = 0% Standart Ellipsoid equation

GPU portable implementation of the ray-triangle intersection method of Moller and Trumbore (1997)

% Ray-triangle intersection algorithm of Muller and Trumbore (1997)% formatted for arrayfun to allow hardware acceleration% Call with gpuarray and arrayfun to execute on the GPU: thjs% may give two

Here's a code to plot the characteristic IV curve of PV.

The function is used to calculate Isc and Voc in addition to plotting the characteristic IV curve.The functions takes the cell's parameters as inputs. The performance of the solar cell and its

Find the intersection points of the edges of two 2D polygons

Find the intersection points of the edges of two 2D polygons, a simple function made to follow up a Newsgroup discussion

Finding intersection point of lines in 3D space (two or more lines).

Finding intersection point of lines in 3D space (two or more lines). Will return point with the minimum sum of squared distances from point to lines (LSM-method, using pseudoinverse). % PA :

A function to compute the intersection between a parametric line of the 3D space and a plane

Please first check the examples tab (.mlx file) here on the right for a complete description.Once downloaded, typewrite 'help line_plane_intersection' or 'doc line_plane_intersection' in Matlab

Calculate and plot P/R and ROC curves for binary classification tasks.

trade-off recall (=true positive rate) versus false positive rate (resp. precision). Depending on the relative class frequencies, ROC and P/R curves can highlight different properties; for details, see e.g

To plot the intersection of 2 surfaces determined by Implicit functions.

To plot the intersection of 2 surfaces. If one of the surface is not determined by implicit function, it's easy to plot the intersection. But when 2 surfaces are both implicit functions, the work

Given the homogeneous matrices of two conics it recovers the (up to) four intersection points

conics, the code will detect all their intersections.For instance:___________________%a circle centered in the originE1 = [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 -3]%an ellipse centered in the originE2 = [1 0 0; 0 3 0; 0 0

Find intersection of N lines in D-dimensional space, in least squares sense.

Find intersection of N lines in D-dimensional space, in least squares sense. X = lineXline(A,B) -line starts & ends as N*D X = lineXline({x y..}) -lines as D long cell of starts & ends as

A MATLAB version of Dubins' Curve based on Andrew Walker's work

A MATLAB version of Dubins Curve based on Andrew Walker's workA Dubin's curve is a nearly kinemetically feasible path solution for car-like platform. The method explicitly find the trajectory

Function for finding the basis of the intersection of N subspaces

This function returns the basis of the intersection of N subspaces defined by their bases, and the dimension of this intersection. The input basis vectors must be row vectors!Example:A = [1,1,-1,1

ROC curve


by Giuseppe Cardillo

compute a ROC curve

you will put only 1 or 0 (i.e. 1 if the subject is diabetic; 0 if he/she is healthy).Run rocdemo to see an exampleThe function computes and plots the classical ROC curve and curves for Sensitivity

This function finds the intersection point of two lines.

This function uses a method of determinants to find the intersection of two linear lines. Inputs into this function are coordinates of two lines (vectors) i.e. Line1 = [(x11,y11);(x12,y12)] and

A function to compute the intersection point between two lines of the space (3D or 2D)

Please first check the examples tab (.mlx file) here on the right for a complete description.Once downloaded, typewrite 'help lines_intersection' or 'doc lines_intersection' in Matlab console for

Compute the intersection of a cone and a plane, where the result is represented as an ellipse

This function computes the intersection of a cone and a plane, where the result is represented either as an ellipse or in the form of a Gaussian distribution.This algorithm can be used to extract

Ray/triangle intersection using the algorithm proposed by Möller and Trumbore (1997)

Ray/triangle intersection using the algorithm proposed by Möller and Trumbore (1997). The zip file includes one example of intersection.References:[1] "Real Time Rendering". Third Edition. Tomas

This function computes n-times intersection region of shapes collection

This function computes n-times intersection region of shapes collection and allows to identify every intersection region in which shapes intersect.The function takes one argument as input, a

Measure area with a certain color on top of a curved surface.

In material science curved surfaces may be heated due to study thermal flow.Here a simple image is projected on top of the peaks surface and the red are is measured in square pixels. Deaunay is used

Intersection of Polyhedron with Plane

Finds the intesection of polyhedron with a plane in y-direction with example file. The polyhedron faces should be divided into triangles. The intersection results in one or more polygons defined by

Offset Curve


by Joss Duchateau

Offset a 2D curve by a given amount

This function offsets a 2D curve by a given amount. If your curve is plotted, you can also pass the parent axis handle and offset by a given number of points, and it will respect the on-screen

With data (x,y), the function finds "x" that correspond to y=y0.

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