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21,991 results


Version 1.1.2

by Edoardo Patelli

OpenCossan is an open and free toolbox for uncertainty quantification and management.

Adds multi-file functionality to functions handling only single files.

FILEFUN is created in the same spirit as e.g. CELLFUN, in that it repeatedly calls the same function FUN with different arguments, in this case filenames. It will then collect the output(s) of the

A useful tool for parsing function arguments like 'cellspacing',6,'monkey',1

Helper function for parsing varargin. Makes it easy to write functions that take arguments like this: subaxis(4,2,1,'spacing',0,'marginleft',.1,'H','pt',.1

Evaluate the Mittag-Leffler function with one or two parameters at square matrix arguments

This MATLAB functions evaluates the Mittag-Leffler (ML) function with two parameters ALPHA and BETA at the square matrix argument AE = ML(A,ALPHA,BETA) evaluates the ML function with two parameters

A function which Validates given IPV4address.

the IP address you want to Validate . This function returns a value 1 if success else 0 . If any other matlab data types apart from string type are passed to this function then also it returns a value 0

Easy to use, GUI based tool to capture, analyze, validate, postprocess, visualize and simulate PIV data.

The Fill Between Area Curve creates a shaded area between two data series, effectively highlighting the region of overlap or difference.

between 2 lines formed by y1 and y2 with color c.* `fillBetweenAreaCurve(__, Name, Value)` specifies additional options for the FillBetweenAreaCurve using one or more name-value pair arguments. Specify the

Visualization of sine and cosine function values inside unit circle

Small apps are a nice tool for teaching basic concepts and interactive STEM learning. MATLAB App Designer helps you to create interesting apps with a simple language and many built-in functions. We

Bessel function of complex order and argument

As so many people have asked me the C++ code for calculating besel functions of complex order and complex arguemnt, I now submit them to benifit more people ...

Optional function arguments with default values: optndfts

Optional function arguments: optndftsAllows optional arguments to be specified as name value pairs, and default values given for those augments not specified e.g.function strt=demo1(arg1,varargin

A Matlab function For Randomly Partitioning Date into Training, Validation and Testing Data

This function randomly partitions data into training, validation and testing data using Cross Validation. Partitioning data in this manner is commonly used for determining the performance of

A DPX file parser .

DPX is a high dynamic range file format used for digital motion picture stills and synthetic imagery. The readdpx function extracts image metadata and returns image pixels for each frame.The DPX

SVM Grid Search


by Dian Bahnev

Performing grid search for SVM, using the default Matlab toolbox.

kktviolatonlevel level. It gives as output array with the trained SVMs, array showing if a SVM was not able to be trained (converge), and the accuracy for the train, validation and test sets. The function is easy to

Perfect Polar Plots

Version 1.0.0

by ET

Functions to generate fully customizable polar plots including compass orientation and circle segments.

Although current versions of Matlab do offer some polar plotting functionality, it isn't particularly flexible. "Perfect Polar Plots" is a few functions which can be used to create fully customizable

Easily add optional, named arguments to your functions, like this: f('var_name', value).

Assigns named arguments passed to your function to local variables (as in plot(), etc.). The name of the argument is the name of the local variable in your function. Example: inputfun('prompt', '&gt


Version 2.0.2

by per isakson

m2uml generates UML class diagrams from m-code

: Custom documentation that is integrated in the Help Browser of Matlab.7. New: Extensive possibilities to customise the class diagram, e.g display input and output arguments of methods8. New: m2uml comes in

This toolbox offers convolution neural networks (CNN) using k-fold cross-validation, which are simple and easy to implement.

Example files for "Deep Learning for Computer Vision with MATLAB" Webinar - July 5, 2016 (Spanish)

Presented Algorithm segments blood vessels of retinal image with a high degree of accuracy

every pixel of the Gaussian filtered Image.After some contrast enhancement final segmented image is obtained using ISO Data thresholding. This algorithm is validated using images in drive database .

Lambert W function for real, nonnegative, possibly large arguments.

This function is analogous to the builtin lambertw() except that it accepts the logarithm of the argument:lambertw(0,exp(logx)) == lambertwlog(logx) (within machine precision)This function only

FDEP dissects ML files and iteratively looks for all user defined functions used during runtime

FDEP dissects MATLAB files and iteratively looks for all user defined functions (modules), which are used during runtimeFDEP retrieves for each module its- subfunctions- nested functions- anonymous

Panic Simulator


by Julian

Simulates panic behaviour in modifiable rooms with one exit



by Jed F.

A simple 'getOpts' type script to validate input parameters.

validateInput started when creating saveppt2. There was a need to take a large number of inputs, in any order, and make them usable to the script. Checking if an input argument has been passed can be



by Jos (10584)

All combinations of input (v4.2, apr 2018)

number of elements of the N inputs. This functionality is also known as the Cartesian Product. The arguments can be numerical and/or characters, or they can be cell arrays. Examples

Digitize plots expressed in the spherical projections: Wulff and Lambert.

Numerical computation with functions

Set of methods for generating Procrustes validation sets for PCA/SIMCA, PCR and PLS models.

Procrustes cross-validation is a new approach for validation of chemometric models. It makes possible to generate a new dataset, named "PV-set" and use it for validation of models in the same way as

PEMF cross-validation

Version 2016.1.0.0

by ADAMS Lab

PEMF is predictive (cross-validation type) approach to test surrogate models.

Predictive Estimation of Model Fidelity (PEMF) is a model-independent approach to measure the fidelity of surrogate models or metamodels, such as Kriging, Radial Basis Functions (RBF), Support Vector

Robust estimator for non-linear state-space models with state-dependent noise.

initialization script, a test function and a technical report. The initialization script adds all relevant directories and sub-directories to the MatLab path and compiles two MEx files, both of them necessary for

Validation of analytically derived expressions of gradients using function 'checkGradients' with application to shape optimization

code.4. The gradient validation using the checkGradients function can be seen with the following output: ``` ____________________________________________________________ Objective function

This toolbox imports pre-trained BERT transformer models from Python and stores the models to be directly used in MATLAB.

model (“none”, “text-classification”, “token-classification” or "question-answering"), and the model format (“tf” or “pt”): # Open command window cd "...\exportBertToMatlab\Python

For parsing function arguments supplied as name-value pairs, e.g. 'XLim',[0 10],'YLim',[0 100]

Based on same idea as the excellent "parse_pv_pairs", and similar to the "inputParser" object added to MATLAB in R2007a, this function handles names and values for properties in any order, and

Prettify checking the number of arguments to a function.

nargchk is used almost exclusively in one way:error(nargchk(minargs, maxargs, nargin, 'struct'));The third and fourth arguments are always the same, and you always wrap it in an error call.This

supplying over 17 validity indices and 5 clustering algorithms based on GUI

Cluster validation is an important and necessary step in cluster analysis. This visual cluster validation tool CVAP based on GUI provides important tools and convenient analysis environment for



by Jos (10584)

all combinations of two elements

A better version of the "cd" function (to change directories)

OUT OF) to the top of your directory stack.You can quickly change back to any of the directories in your stack, add new ones, or clear the stack. Also, just typing "CCD" (with no arguments) will toggle

This is a beta release of the upcoming version 3.1 of the Hybrid Equations Toolbox. Changes may occur prior to release.

Matches two pictures given as arguments.

The function takes two images as argument and using edge detection checks whether they are the same or not...a cool and simple code which can be used in security systems. The level at which the two

The app is used for PKPD Modeling and Simulation.



by Nezar

Argument parsing utilities

followed by keyword arguments (name-value pairs) in any order. Keywords are matched using MATLAB's string validator, so matching is case-insensitive and abbreviated keywords are acceptable as long as they

K-Fold Cross Validation for Binary Classification, using LibSVM

Demos Used in "Object Recognition: Deep Learning and Machine Learning for Computer Vision" Webinar

Shape Context based nonrigid registration of 2D/3D objects, to build Active Shape Models

Code for the paper "PCA based Edge-preserving Features for Hyperspectral Image Classification"

This submission demonstrates Power Plant Model Validation as applied to online performance monitoring of grid events

This submission demonstrates Power Plant Model Validation as applied to online performance monitoring of grid events using phasor measurement unit (PMU) data, through a workflow that includes both

Read .xyz files and make gridded datasets.

Here are two functions: xyzread reads text .xyz files into your Matlab workspace. This is written for GMT-generated .xyz files, but may work for other .xyz files as well. xyz2grid converts the


Version 3.0

by Jos (10584)

Wait a certain time for a single keypress

excution 0 is returned. Without argument, getkeywait waits until a key is pressed. [CH, RT] = getkeywait(..) returns the response time in seconds in RT. Example: disp('Press a key within 5

Calculates the Generalized Hypergeometric Function at the desired accuracy.

A numerical evaluator for the generalized hypergeometric function for complex arguments with large magnitudes using a direct summation of the Gauss series.pFq isdefined by (borrowed from Maple): pFq

This is a synthetic image generation tool that can create realistic Pap-smear images

This program file is presented for highly accurate approximation of the Voigt/complex error function with small imaginary argument y ≤ 0.1.

[Kxy,Lxy]=cedawSeu(x,y).This program file computes the complex error function with small imaginary argument 0≤y≤ 0.1. In the real and imaginary parts this program provides average accuracy exceeding

Create a customizable nyquist plot that displays pole/zero contributions.

Programmed for educational purposes, this Matlab function draws a Nyquist diagram of any given rational transfer function (including delays) and allows the user to explore it. As the radius of the

Interactive courseware module that introduces transfer function analysis taught in system dynamics and controls courses.

# Transfer Function Analysis of Dynamic Systems[![View on File

advantage of speed & performance appears under large number of clusters & large dataset


by Zhongxiao Sun

This is a 2048 game developped by Matlab M script and functions.

to start the game. It will call other 3 functions during the game.add2mat.m -- add one 2 element into matrixmove_element.m -- move one element by one step.move_mat.m -- move the whole matrix according


Version 2.4.1

by Agah Karakuzu

Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Made Easy with qMRLab: Use GUI or CLI to fit and simulate a myriad of qMRI models.

Peak fitting GUI for Diffraction Data

can choose which profile functions to apply to the fit, constrain profile functions, and view the resulting fit in terms of the profile functions chosen. A Bayesian inference analysis can be carried out


Version 1.0.4

by Marco Gavelli

Matlab/Simulink interface. Easily create Simulink models from a Matlab script.

faster.Convert function handle to simulink model:h = @(x,y) 1-x+min(0,y);fun2model(h);Build simulink model from script:import matsim.library.*sys = simulation.load('my_model'); % Create and open a model named

A MATLAB toolbox connected with functions of matrices.

the progress of an iteration. * For the iterative algorithms a convergence tolerance is hard-coded (in function mft_tolerance). For greater flexibility this tolerance could be made an input argument

A toolbox allowing rapid definition and evaluation of 2D and 3D phased array antennas.

such as dipole, microstrip patch, helix or any user defined element pattern function. This paper documents the theory used in the toolbox.

element-by-element binary operations (e.g. plus, times, eq, gt) with array expansion (AX) enabled.

This function is a generalization of BSXFUN, provided as a builtin function in MATLAB R2007a and later releases. It is part of the ARRAYLAB toolbox, together with MULTIPROD (MATLAB Central, file

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