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Filter Analysis

Visualize frequency responses of filters, verify properties and characteristics of filters

DSP System Toolbox™ provides you with several filter analysis features to validate filter design specifications. You can use these features to visualize the various filter responses, such as magnitude, phase, impulse, and step responses. You can also determine filter properties using functions such as coeffs, cost, and info, and verify filter characteristics using functions such as firtype, isfir, and isstable. For a complete list of all the analysis functions that DSP System Toolbox offers, see Analysis Functions for Filter System Objects.

You can also visualize the magnitude and phase response of time-varying digital filters using the dsp.DynamicFilterVisualizer object in MATLAB® and the Filter Visualizer block in Simulink®. For more information, see Configure Filter Visualizer.


Filter AnalyzerView, analyze, and compare filters (Since R2024a)


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dsp.DynamicFilterVisualizerDisplay time-varying magnitude and phase response of digital filters
filterDesignerOpen Filter Designer app
fvtoolVisualize frequency response of DSP filters
freqrespestFrequency response estimate via filtering
freqrespoptsCreate an options object for frequency response estimate
freqzFrequency response of discrete-time filter System object
freqzmrCompute DTFT approximation of the impulse response of a multirate or a single-rate filter (Since R2024a)
grpdelayGroup delay response of discrete-time filter System object
impzImpulse response of discrete-time filter System object
impzlengthLength of impulse response of discrete-time filter System object
measureMeasure frequency response characteristics of filter System object
noisepsdPower spectral density of filter output due to roundoff noise
noisepsdoptsCreate an options object for output noise PSD computation
outputDelayDetermine output delay of single-rate or multirate filter (Since R2022a)
phasedelayPhase delay response of discrete-time filter System object
phasezPhase response of discrete-time filter System object (unwrapped)
stepzStep response of discrete-time filter System object
zerophaseZero-phase response of discrete-time filter System object
zplaneZ-plane zero-pole plot for discrete-time filter System object
coeffsReturns the filter System object coefficients in a structure
costEstimate cost of implementing filter System object
cumsecCumulative second-order section of the biquadratic filter
dispDisplay filter properties and values
filtstates.cicStore CIC filter states
infoInformation about filter System object
orderOrder of discrete-time filter System object
resetReset internal states of System object
ssConvert discrete-time filter System object to state-space representation
tfConvert discrete-time filter System object to transfer function
zpkZero-pole-gain conversion of discrete-time filter System object
firtypeDetermine type (1-4) of linear phase FIR filter System object
isallpassVerify that discrete-time filter System object is allpass
isfirVerify if filter System object is FIR
islinphaseVerify that discrete-time filter System object is linear phase
ismaxphaseVerify that discrete-time filter System object is maximum phase
isminphaseVerify that discrete-time filter System object is minimum phase
isrealVerify that discrete-time filter System object is real
issosVerify if discrete-time System object filter is in second-order sections form
isstableVerify that discrete-time filter System object is stable
scalecheckCheck scaling of biquadratic filter
realizemdlSimulink subsystem block for filter
realizeModelCreate Simulink block equivalent for CIC rate conversion filter objects (Since R2024a)
allpass2wdfAllpass to Wave Digital Filter coefficient transformation
normalizefreqSwitch filter specification between normalized frequency and absolute frequency
wdf2allpassWave Digital Filter to allpass coefficient transformation


filterAnalyzerAnalyze filters with the Filter Analyzer app (Since R2024a)


Filter VisualizerDisplay magnitude and phase response of time-varying digital filters (Since R2023a)
