TUTORIAL: how to format your question with markup
Oleg Komarov
on 6 Aug 2011
Latest activity Reply by fatih erkin
on 8 Mar 2023
Why should we use markups in the body of our questions?
The answer is a question: which of the two versions is more likely to be understood in a glimpse and has more chances to be answered by our readers?
< Consider the following question >
I have a vector of weights W=[10,20,30,50,23434,1,2.4,2] and a matrix A=rand(100,8) and I would like to find the row-wise weighted sum of A. I am proceeding in the following way: B=zeros(size(A)); for c=1:numel(W) B(:,c)=A(:,c)*W(c); end B=sum(B,2); Somehow I get huge numbers can you please help?
< Now, consider its formatted version >
I have a vector of weights W = [10,20,30,50,23434,1,2.4,2] and a matrix A = rand(100,8) and I would like to find the row-wise weighted sum of A.
I am proceeding in the following way:
B = zeros(size(A));
for c = 1:numel(W)
B(:,c) = A(:,c)*W(c);
B = sum(B,2);
Somehow I get huge numbers can you please help?
In alphabetical order by nickname, thanks for their suggestions to:
Walter Roberson
- 06 Aug 2011, 13:17 BST - created and added boldface.gif
- 06 Aug 2011, 14:59 BST - added italic.gif
- 06 Aug 2011, 18:58 BST - added index section
- 07 Aug 2011, 00:03 BST - added code.gif and tutorial series section
- 07 Aug 2011, 01:50 BST - added monospaced.gif, numlist.gif, bullist.gif and hyperlink.gif
- 13 Aug 2011, 14:27 BST - added motivation section
- 18 Aug 2011, 01:44 BST - added aknowledgments section and link to wish-list
Vote on Wish-list for MATLAB Answer sections my post if you think that a tutorial section on top of Answers could be useful.
That is not relevant to this discussion. You should ask your own Question about it.
To insert an image into the body of your post, click this icon:

and either browse to a file on your computer, or specify a URL of an image on the web.
You might find it easy to use http://snag.gy. You can just type alt-PrintScreen (in Windows) to capture the active window into the clipboard. Then go to this web site and type control-v to paste it in. You can then crop if it you want. It gives you a URL that you can then paste into the URL field you see when you click the green and brown frame icon:

You can also use the paper clip icon to attach an image file to your post, but it will not be displayed. It will appear as a filename beneath your text. We would then have to right click that filename and save it to our computer, and then open the image in MATLAB or some other image file viewer. This is less convenient for readers because they can't see your picture immediately.
@Elige: Yes... the first two used tinypic the latter used uploadhouse. I uploaded the first two .gif's to uploadhouse for you.

Me too.
Dear Oleg: Thanks. I really appreciate this thread.
Unfortunately newcomers in this forum do not read the 20 most voted threads before they ask an own question.
Very busy this period, as you may have noticed I almost disappeared from the forum. I am moving to London (looking for accomodation...it's a nightmare here), starting a PhD and I need first to finalize the work in progress pages about my dissertation.
Oleg, perhaps you could record one of these for inserting an image?
Perhaps a note could be added somewhere that if you want a < and > that is *not* in a Code section, then either there must be whitespace after the < or before the >, or else < and > must be coded.
Also, perhaps a note that none of these formatting commands apply in Comments (distinguished, of course, from comments in the code).
Oh yeah, and I'd warn about the massive bug if you have a quoted line in a Comment or edit an Answer that contains such a line. :( :(
With Motivation of course comes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Method_acting ;-)
@Walter: I will update the .gifs asap according to your comments.
Ouch. I thought of posting a realtime animated GIF of the latency effects in my moaning thread. But unfortunately my computer is loaded by 100% during the keystrokes and the screen recorder is blocked. Then I take a movie with a camera - but it looks so slow, that only patient users believe, that it is an animation at all. :-(
I never use the buttons but type the format characters directly - this works in an external editor also...







Poor Jan, if the Mathworks folks see this, they are never going to deal with the keyboard latency.
I see. My experience on all those types of image files is all static pictures. Apparently GIF file supports animation too.
Please, add the illustration for formatting code. Should be just similar. But you know, that is the most occurred problem.
I used Camtasia Studio to record the desktop, edit the image and produce the gif which I then uploaded to a repository
Well done, Oleg! How did you do it?