Aerospace and Defense (AeroDef) organizations use MATLAB and Simulink as a foundation for digital transformation. With an integrated digital approach to develop and field complex systems, organizations can achieve goals around digital acquisition, digital engineering, and building a digital workforce.
Engineers can create digital twins, a digital thread, and DevSecOps pipelines that work with interconnected digital infrastructures using products like:
- Simulink and Stateflow: create and simulate system models, detect design issues early, reduce physical prototypes, and speed up the design process
- System Composer: perform common systems engineering tasks in the same environment as your design work to bridge the gap between Model-Based System Engineering and Model-Based Design workflows
- Embedded Coder and HDL Coder: generate production-quality code from your models, reduce errors, and speed up the implementation process
- Simulink Verification and Validation and Polyspace: verify and validate your models and code, ensure the system behaves as expected, and meet required standards
- MATLAB and Simulink products: integrate processes between DevSecOps with continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD)
Creating Models for Digital Twins
With MATLAB and Simulink, you can create models for digital twins for use throughout the lifecycle of assets, including concept, development, production, operation, and decommissioning. You can update these models to reflect the current state of specific assets, as appropriate. Using Simulink and System Composer for model-based development can accelerate an organization’s adoption of a modular open systems approach (MOSA) to create robust digital twins and allow for efficient updates to hardware and software components.
You can use these digital twins for prediction, what-if simulations, anomaly detection, fault isolation, and more. You can create digital twins that represent physical or virtual products, processes, or systems by:
- Defining models using data
- Creating physics-based models using multidomain modeling tools
- Using AI-based approaches
Creating a Digital Thread
MATLAB and Simulink product families provide a foundation for digital engineering, enabling the establishment of a digital thread, anchored by an authoritative model, that links models and digital artifacts. A cohesive digital thread helps you and your teams make decisions earlier in the development lifecycle and navigate multiple levels of modeling fidelity effectively, which can lead to cost and quality improvements.
Built on MATLAB and Simulink, this connected development and deployment environment provides full traceability and interoperability across:
- Requirements management
- System architecture modeling for allocation, analysis, and verification
- Detailed Model-Based Design and simulation
- Automatic code generation
- Automated verification and validation

Integrating DevSecOps
MATLAB and Simulink product families can help you automate and integrate processes between development, security, and operations (DevSecOps) for efficient, secure, and high-quality output. DevSecOps leverages an iterative collaborative development approach to design, verify, and validate system requirements.
You can use MATLAB, Simulink, and add-on products to develop models and leverage DevSecOps workflows and infrastructure, including:
- Lifecycle management
- Configuration management and continuous integration
- Data platforms, stores, and streaming integration
- Deployment to cloud, edge, and embedded system platforms
- Containerization, virtual machines, virtual desktop, and web IDE
- Operational dashboard and triggering