
Chad Greene

Matlab jokes or puns

Chad Greene on 18 May 2015
Latest activity Reply by Image Analyst on 12 Sep 2023

Are there any good Matlab jokes? I don't mean why or any other Easter eggs, I mean good jokes involving Matlab. Actually, that bar may be a bit too high. Any jokes, good or bad, let's hear 'em.
DGM on 12 Sep 2023
what('is love')
MATLAB Code files in folder /users/mss.system.wuwowO/is love baby dont hurt me
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 12 Sep 2023
For those who are wondering about this post:
Rosa Kager
Rosa Kager on 8 Mar 2021
matlab is the joke
Mario Malic
Mario Malic on 22 Feb 2021
Younger generations will appreciate this.
Ashley Barnes
Ashley Barnes on 9 Dec 2020
Where do MATLAB Online programmers store their files?
In the wordcloud.
Mehmed Saad
Mehmed Saad on 11 Jul 2020

I am a Bit Late

for i = 1:10
Omer Ben-Yshai
Omer Ben-Yshai on 30 Apr 2019
You can't handle the truth!
Rik on 30 Apr 2019
Sure you can:
Hooman Sedghamiz
Hooman Sedghamiz on 30 Jan 2019
In persian (Farsi) Matlab means "content" and could be interpretted as something related to literature. During the second year of my bachelor's degree, I saw a course in my schedule called "Matlab", as I was an electrical engineering student, I thought this is probably for those interested in literature, and skipped the first 5 lectures....
John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 2 Feb 2019
oops. :)
Stephan on 11 Dec 2018
A physicist, a matlab programmer and a firefighter are invited to a social science experiment. Everyone spends a week in a completely isolated room with only a table, chair, paper and pencils. There are also 2 small stainless steel balls on the table.
When the physicist comes out of the room after a week, all the sheets of paper are written and the pens written completely empty. His notes are reviewed and he receives the Nobel Prize.
When the Matlab programmer comes out of the room after a week, all the sheets of paper are also filled with Matlab code and the pens are completely empty. In addition, he has written code on the walls. His notes are checked and he receives the Fields medal.
After the room has been renovated, the firefighter is left in the room for a week. After a week, the room looks impeccable - the pile Paier and the pens are unused and everything looks like the first day. Only one of the two stainless steel balls is missing and the second one is broken. When asked, he says, "It was not me!"
Stephan on 11 Dec 2018
its not too late - my english is bad and google is good, but still not perfect. Thanks for the hint.
Stephen23 on 11 Dec 2018
"I was not!"
Was this translated from "Ich war's nicht!"? If so, then the best matching English idiom would be "It wasn't me!"... otherwise it must be too late at night and I just don't get it.
John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 11 Feb 2018
A comment that I frequently find useful when answering questions about MATLAB.
Eat a programming elephant one byte at a time.
David Neibig
David Neibig on 25 Jun 2017
There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those that understand hexadecimal and F the rest
Chaya N
Chaya N on 22 Oct 2016
Q: What does your cat do when it sits on your laptop?
A: It plays with strings.
Sanchit Mishra
Sanchit Mishra on 30 Sep 2016
Italian Mafioso #1: Why "input" the name never of nagging wives ?
Mafioso #2: cause, Not enough input arguments.
FFF on 29 Sep 2016
Short Lovestory: MAT was in love with SIM and he spent many "words" to prove it , but SIM "blocked" them. The End
yezi on 27 Sep 2016
traveling around the world~
Star Strider
Star Strider on 26 Nov 2016
Terrific polar bear!
Mahemuti Bulibuli
Mahemuti Bulibuli on 27 Sep 2016
while I_was_young
pause(100 years);
ileyda dikmen
ileyda dikmen on 26 Sep 2016
pjsudharshan on 26 Sep 2016
one day, a girl asked to a boy: MATLAB matlab kya hai? Is it called capital matlab? the boy fainted! and she was from electronics background! Can only be understood by Hindi-speakers!
Sangkook Kang
Sangkook Kang on 26 Sep 2016
I'm not sure how to vote
Ivan Ivanov
Ivan Ivanov on 24 Sep 2016
Sevan Harput
Sevan Harput on 23 Sep 2016
Star Strider
Star Strider on 23 Sep 2016
La F!
Luke Boguski
Luke Boguski on 23 Sep 2016
Q: want to hear a chemistry joke?
A: K
Q have time for another?
A: Na
Matlab User
Matlab User on 22 Sep 2016
Go!!! MATLAB Central Scavenger Hunt
Veronica Contreras
Veronica Contreras on 22 Sep 2016
Are you cold? Because you can stand in the corner..where it's 90 degrees!