Scientists and engineers use MATLAB to connect with external software applications for rapid design and prototyping of dynamic models to accelerate parameterization, perform sensitivity analysis, and automate process optimization workflows using physics-informed machine learning, advanced control systems, and more.
MATLAB Links with Geoscience and Engineering Software Applications
MATLAB Interface for Petrel lets you read and write data between a Petrel project and MATLAB and perform integrated Petrel operations within MATLAB to reduce manual data exchange.
The core and deck reader modules of MRST (MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox) from SINTEF read and process Eclipse™ input data, including decks, grids, and petrophysical properties in MATLAB.
The Control Design Interface tool from Aspen Plus® Dynamics let you extract a linear state space model and load it into MATLAB Control System Toolbox to design, model, and simulate process control systems.
This MATLAB script connects Aspen HYSYS® with MATLAB to perform sensitivity analysis on a HYSYS model using COM technology.
The Geolog™ Loglan option supports direct access to MATLAB for custom petrophysical calculations and deployment to other users.
LiveLink™ connects MATLAB and Simulink with COMSOL Multiphysics® and enables you to generate, modify, extend, and run simulation models in MATLAB, and cosimulate, export, and transfer models in Simulink.
The interactive link between MATLAB and ANSYS® supports connections in interactive mode. The function is useful for repetitive tasks, such as changing parameters for optimization without restarting jobs. The MATLAB Script Integration feature in ANSYS Optics lets you run MATLAB commands into the Lumerical script prompt.
Learn how to build MATLAB apps for ANSYS products, including Fluent, Mechanical APDL, and Workbench.
RokDoc offers an external interface to run algorithms in MATLAB, read MATLAB libraries, and use MATLAB Compiler for C header and libraries.
OpendTect offers the possibility to run MATLAB code to perform 2D, 3D, and 4D seismic interpretation, visualization, and analysis.
UniSim® Design Suite offers UniSim Design links to MATLAB, making it easier to design, model, and simulate processes using computing capabilities from both applications.
Thermolib provides an extended library of thermodynamical and thermo-chemical blocks for MATLAB and Simulink to model energy systems, including fuel cells, electrolyzers, and heat pumps.
amsterCHEM developed an application to import unit operations from MATLAB into CAPE-OPEN-compliant software such as Aspen Plus, Petro-SIM, and AVEVA Pro/II. This application enables you to import thermodynamic and physical property packages into MATLAB.
MATLAB Interfaces via COM, OPC, or OPC UA
You can configure MATLAB to either control or be controlled by COM integration with external software applications compatible with Microsoft® Active Template Library (ATL) API. For example, you can connect MATLAB with external software applications through the Windows COM interface using the actxserver command to establish a connection between the application and MATLAB. Then, discover, call, or access properties and methods supported by the application within MATLAB.
Alternatively, you can use OPC interfaces from external software applications to facilitate the flow of information between external applications and MATLAB.
MATLAB High-Performance Computing Using NVIDIA GPUs
You can enhance your big data computing requirements with NVIDIA® GPUs to accelerate AI, deep learning, and other computationally intensive analytics without having to be a CUDA® programmer using MATLAB GPU Coder and Parallel Computing toolboxes.

MATLAB and Simulink Connects with IIoT for Real-Time Analytics
Simulink Desktop Real-Time provides a real-time kernel to enable closed-loop control of physical systems from your desktop computer. You can connect to IIoT sensors, actuators, and other devices to prototype and test control systems without requiring dedicated real-time test equipment.
MATLAB for Instrument Control and Process Automation
Instrument Control Toolbox lets you connect directly to instruments such as oscilloscopes, function generators, signal analyzers, power supplies, and analytical instruments. You can control and acquire data from test equipment without writing code for real-time analysis and visualization. You can automate tests, verify hardware designs, and build test systems.