[DISCONTINUED] MATLAB Answers Wish-list #5 (and bug reports)
on 3 Jul 2019
Latest activity Reply by Rena Berman
on 17 Jan 2024
This is the 5th installment of the wish-list and bug report thread.
This topic is the follow on to the first Wish-list for MATLAB Answer sections and second MATLAB Answers Wish-list #2 (and bug reports). The third started out as New design of the forum - grey on white and the fourth MATLAB Answers Wish-list #4 (and bug reports) is also growing so large it is slow to load and navigate.
Same idea as the previous ones: one wish (or bug report) per answer, so that people can vote their wishes.
What should you post where?
Next Gen threads (#1): features that would break compatibility with previous versions, but would be nice to have
@anyone posting a new thread when the last one gets too large (about 50 answers seems a reasonable limit per thread), please update this list in all last threads. (if you don't have editing privileges, just post a comment asking someone to do the edit)
Now that moving answers/comments is possible, we kind of need these objects to have accessible timestamps with a resolution better than 24h. When multiple people are posting comments on each other's comments-as-answers, it gets a bit difficult to untangle the thread without knowing the order of events. The sequential identifier numbers are useful to some degree, but comments and answers are not comparable in that manner; furthermore, once an object is moved, it's no longer in-sequence.
A lot of other sites will show rough timestamps, but a mouseover will reveal the full timestamp. That'd be fine.
I wish that the Categories feature be much more useful. Check out hte categorization of this Question:

Scroll over the right and we see: Gaming / Historical Contests. If I was actually trying to find this Question, or others like it, I don't think Gaming would be the first Category I'd check in the "Filter By" pane. I've seen a lot of cases where the categorization seems not useful. Calls into question the utility of the Filter By pane in general for finding interesting content, IMO. As an example, this question is also categorized the same way.
I've been spending a lot of time browsing old content and making use of the RHS "See Also" related forum links ... and I think they're less useful than expected. The related forum links seem to be drawn from a small pool of frequently garbage questions, many of which are unanswered or answerable. I see the same ones all the time.
I don't know why the pool is so shallow, but it is, and that's frustrating. I'm half inclined to delete some of the unanswerable ones just to get them out of the pool. While maybe cleanup is in order, why is it so persistent at recommending things with no demonstrated interest?
With the search tool and sidebar in mind, the difficulty in finding relevant content is what has made me more inclined to simply provide direct links to things I think are relevant. Even then, I find myself going back and updating answers to add links to newer threads/answers. It's hardly maintainable.
But that got me thinking about the value of being able to have some curation done by humans. I already keep a growing list of links to reference answers myself, and I know I'm not the only one. Sometimes I wish I could just make it public. I have no idea how it would be implemented, and I doubt anyone ever will, but I think it could be incredibly valuable if we could create something like custom public/private "collections" or "playlists" of content (threads/answers/comments).
The idea really struck me when I saw John D'Errico posting a tutorial on doing exponential curve fits, and I realized that there were a lot of good curve fitting examples that I wish I could still find in this giant sea. I think about Stephen23's tutorial threads, some of the "How to ask" threads, and meta threads like this.
Let's say you loaded up the "Why you should avoid dynamically named variables" thread. You look over in the sidebar and there's a little section that says "Part of the Mega Tutorials collection by Stephen23", and there's a list of links to content that an actual human decided was relevant for a particular reason that's probably described by the name of the collection.
Let's say you add an answer or comment to a collection, maybe the answer can have a little widget at the bottom that links to the collection so that a user can just browse it.
I know, I know. It's hardly a well-defined proposition, but the post is long enough already. It's just an idle thought that might provoke some opinions.
Sometime a poster posts approximately the same quesiton more than once, for whatever reason. Is there a way for a moderator to merge such duplicate posts, if it is suggested to the mods, and if a moderator agrees? The advantage of merging the questions is that the various answers and comments woudl be in one place for all to see. A possible disdvantage might be allocaiton of answer points, if there are accepted answers in multiple versions.
Sorry if this was already asked and answered. I search this thread and Matlab Answers for "merge" and did not see it already asked.
Well, I skimmed a bunch of these threads (you might have noticed) and I didn't see anything about this sort of thing, so I'll just throw this idea out there.
I would feel a lot more comfortable if I were able to give some sort of reason or substantiating information when I delete an answer/comment. This usually seems to cross my mind when I'm faced with what I regard as spam in the form of seemingly random chunks of code/text which have been copied and pasted from other comments/answers or from other threads without any added commentary. I'd like to be able to say "comment is a verbatim duplicate of this one" or "this is a partial chunk of code copied from this unrelated thread over here".
I have no idea if there's any review on these deletions or if the "this is spam" checkbox actually changes anything. I think of what it's like moderating spam through the "manage spam" page. If I were to see any of these posts show up there, I would often have no way to know that they were copied and pasted garbage posted on unrelated threads. Since many are copypasta of legitimate comments and answers, initial appearances would strongly suggest they're not spam.
Then again, if deleted items just disappear into the abyss without review, I'd only be satisfying my desire to prove some modicum of reason or due diligence. Any thoughts?
I noticed a minor issue with hyperlink.
Clicking the link (marked with yellow below) in my Content Feed takes me to the wrong position in Question, close to the comment https://se.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/1450984-what-should-go-in-a-next-generation-matlab-x#comment_1993700 near the end of the Question. However, the hyperlink itself is ok, i.e https://se.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/1450984-what-should-go-in-a-next-generation-matlab-x#comment_2066594

Clicking the link (marked yellow below) in the "header section" of the Question takes me to the correct comment.

I checked this issue and a second time an hour later with refreshed pages.
Windows 10 and Firefox. Both are recently updated.
It would be really nice if we could double click a function name in our Answers response, click some toolbar icon, and have it convert that word in our response to the URL for the online MATLAB documentation for that function.
A minor issue
By mistake I accepted an old question of mine. I realized my mistake an unaccepted the question. However, in my "Followed Content" both actions are reported as "accepted an answer"

PROJECTS is too closely coupled with Git CM
Some users may want to have a limited view of the files in the Set Path folder list.
MATLAB chooses files based on the ordering of the Set Path. Our developers share a CM repository. Some users create temporary projects to do some analysis. They might need only a couple of files in the main project. So to focus on just the files the user needed, files were deleted from the project. Later, after the analysis and the temporary project was deleted, the user pushed his changes to the shared repository. When users pulled from the shared repository, they were surprised to see that some files disappeared.
When I called MathWorks support, I was told that this is by design. When a file is removed from a project, then the file is staged for deletion in Git CM, so when everyone else pulled from the share, the corresponding files were deleted.
But, they said not to worry, because when the file is removed from the project, the file is not actually lost to the file, because Matlab makes sure to keep a copy even though it is deleted from Git CM. So, when other complain about lost files, then the user who removed the file from the project can be added back into Git followed by a Git Commit and Git Push, and everyone can then restore the file(s) by doing a Git Pull. The user will still be able to work fine with the so-called deleted file(s).
This is not good - very ineficient recovery as well as having confusing history. Project is too tightly coupled with Git with respect to deletions. I recommended strongly that when a file is removed from a project, do not by default, mark it for deletion in CM. Or, at least have a toggle where the user can set the default to not to delete it from CM.
In 2020, after a short tryout, we had to stop using projects.
Background: I recently put some effort into answering How to store and reuse coefficients in a for loop. My answer together with a comment includes a discussion on "column-major order" and "performance". I searched in vain for references in the documentation and in Answers regarding the significance of taking "column-major" into account. OP has read my answer an comment. So far so good. Now I would like a few more users to read my responses. To make my responses to OP's comments more visible, I sometimes add them at the end of my answer. And I add tags, in this case I added "column-major"..
- support multiple code blocks/wells in one answer. In the current case my answer contained one code block and my comment another. Adding the comment to the answer causes "Run in 2021a" to throw an error for the second code block.
- support searches (Cntr-F) in the current thread to include hidden comments. Currently, "Search Answers" for "tag:"column-major" singleton" returns the question ("singleton" is in a hidden comment), but Ctrl-F doesn't find "singleton". (I use Firefox.)
After I click the "Follow" link on a question, I'd like that question to show up in my Managed Followed Content list immediately (with some reasonable delay for the system to catch up). As it stands now, it only shows up in my list after someone else subsequently answers or comments.