I've opened MATLAB Answers this morning and found the new design.
The field for typing the "Body" does not consider the font settings of my browser anymore, such that my preference of sans-serif fonts is ignored. In addition the text color is a medium gray, which is hard to read for me due to the too light contrast.
Blank lines in the code let two separate code boxes appear. This makes almost all code, I've posted in the forum, invalid. It has been discussed repeatedly, that blank lines in the code confuse the indentation of the display in the forum and that this is a really bad idea. But instead of improving this, it is made severely worse now.
The new design contains even more white space, such that standard questions cannot be answered without extensive vertical scrolling. It is a very bad drawback, that I cannot see the question while I type the answer.
There is still no suggestion to use a proper code formatting, such that I have to spend 20% of my forum time typing corresponding comments as before.
But I'm coming back to the most important problem for me: It is a physical problem for me to read the low contrast grey on white text. Does anybody know a tweak or CSS trick to increase the readability?
TMW, please take into account that this new design is physically hard to read for people without young and 100% perfect eyes. This is very annoying for me.
Splitting code blocks at white lines is simply a bug. I cannot imagine why this error has not been detected before the new design has been published. The argument, that TMW is extremely conservative with changes in the forum to ensure a stability does not convince me anymore.
[EDITED] The box around the thread, the preview box, the boxes for preformatted text and code have a grey background now. So some text is even medium grey on light grey.
I'd be glad if the designers refocus on the purpose of the forum. Whatever this purpose might be, the optical reception of the characters is fundamental.
For easy navigation and for the historians,
Anyone with edit privileges should feel free to update this whenever needed.
I don't see that w/ Firefox 41.xy (and haven't previously prior to updating). The backgrounds are all white; wonder if there's a preferences setting causing local color instead....
The design of this forum just keeps getting worse. Seems to be slower than ever, harder to navigate, harder to see new questions, still impossible to know why some days your reputation points go up, still plagued with superfluous boxes within boxes within boxes, still incredibly low density of information. There's a difference between updating and upgrading.
I edited the link last night to point it to www.mathworks.com
You should be able to locate the posting by doing a search on tag:wishlist
Yeah, I don't know what happened either. Now Walter's link is answerable/commentable whereas yesterday it wasn't. Maybe the Mathworks saw our posts and fixed it.
@IA - not sure what happened between now and then; yesterday even if I went back to main page and used link to the main question to navigate to the new thread I got the "no answer" version; I had already tried that before posting the complaint. Today that direction succeeds while this link above from Walter is still to a broken page. Who knows what's going on???
Unlike Walter who describes various workarounds he takes, I just quit and go on...
Ah yes. I am routinely logged into both. I switched to the UK server years ago during a time when the UK server was stable but the USA one was not. A couple of months ago when I tried the US server again I found it slower than the UK server.
Actually if you use this link instead of the one Walter gave, it works and you can add comments or answers. http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/233928-matlab-answers-wish-list-4-and-bug-reports#answer_189368?
I agree with dpb. There's no way to add an answer or a comment on that page. I don't know why. Thinking it might be because it's the UK server, I brought up the question on the US server and it has the same issue - no way to respond. Walter might have to post a new question with that information since that one is all fubar.
It shows up on this page but not on the new question page any longer...I've no idea why but they changed to some format Firefox apparently doesn't understand any longer...
There's the original question, the two answers and an empty (wasted) comment box since there's no comments for each but no way whatsoever to respond on that page.
If you scroll down to the bottom, there should be a big "Answer this question" field rather than there being a specific button to trigger answering mode.
If I go to the above link I can no longer find any way to add an Answer or a Comment...there's no button available and if go to the menu "Answer a Question" at the top, that filters by "Unanswered" which filters out the specific question.
I've been phasing out as noted before owing to the increasingly difficult interface that never was good; this appears the end; I'm not fighting any longer. I'll continue at cs-sm...
@Jan-- which browser/version are you using? While still on an old 32-bit box, have Firefox 37.0.x and it seems to pass over the color issues. It flashes a sold gray box first, then ends up w/ white background and black text.
I mentioned earlier that owing to issues w/ mex and Fortran w/ my old compiler TMW provided a R14 release--that install reverted my IE to IE6 and it can't do diddly w/ the TMW site; not letting me at the user login page but the main Answers page seems to have similar coloration issues but it's far worse than that owing to age, I suppose.
Anyway, just a note that maybe there's a way to get FIrefox to skip over the coloring; I'm not fluent enough w/ web pages to know what precisely is going on differently here.
If I scroll down to a topic I have to scroll up all the way to go to the top part of the menu of the website (file exchange, link exchange etc.), maybe make it appear again when you start scrolling up instead of having to scroll all the way up. Very annoying...
Also, there is no way to start a new line wihout having a white line in beween as shown above.
Now the code boxes have a grey background - which reduces the contrast again. Is it an old-fashioned opinion that reading text in black on white is easy?
When a response is edited the link to that answer or comment is broken.
The basic problem is still twofold --
a) The refusal to use a newsreader format with threaded entries as any reasonable serial-discussion forum should whether it's physically stored as a database or not, and
b) The idiotic choice of wordprocessor "Wordwrap On" as a default setting for code. Hence, unless one knows the trick of typing two blanks as no new user/poster is going to, the code formatting is guar-on-teed to be fouled up.
Others have touched on the issues of the boxes and all...it's just a_bad_idea (tm) from the git-go as is.
@Adam - just a hint, I never use the links in the page but simply use the history retrieval feature of the browser--I type my user ID (dpb) and it brings the history up in alpha order which gives my answers link first, with comments generally just one line below. If I type "sort" I get the link to the "Unanswered" directly. Those are the only three views I use, ever.
When I open mathworks.com in the browser, the message "Read fonts.mathworks.com" appears in the status line and nothing happens for about 3 to 15 seconds. This feels rubbery and it reduces the usability. I do not observe such delays on other web pages, but opening the documentation on mathworks.com let the browser pause for 3 seconds.
If I am a newcomer on this pages, I'd possibly decide after 10 seconds, that the web site is not working and stop the loading.
(Firefox, Win7/64, 8GBit internet connection)
[EDITED] This time opening the forum took 22 seconds while "Read fonts.mathworks.com" was displayed.
The current layout of list of questions displays 6 questions on my 19'' monitor. In another Matlab forum I see 17 questions, or in a specific category 22 questions. When the discussion of questions is the purpose of a forum, a high density of information is essential and much more important than a fluffy and light-weight visual impression.
Now take a look on a very short question:

The area of interest is marked in green and fills 13% of the full screen window. Of course a longer question would fill more of the page. But even for a tiny question the distance between the information and teh area for answers is as big as possible. But there so many other details on this page, which are not needed while I type an answer: A link to trial software, a counter for the number of given answers, "opportunities for recent engineering grads" and a link to apply immediately, and a huge white block on the right. The space for Tags and Products is larger than the initial size of the input field for answers. As soon as comments are added or the question exceeds 5 rows I have to scroll vertically to control the question and my answer. You cannot avoid vertical scrolling for large questions, but it is important to reduce this to the minimum.
The field for searching has the potential to be useful, but during writing an answer it is a killer, because it closes the current window. Therefore it cannot be used directly to search e.g. a FEX submission during answering.
While these points mean a bad functionality, the reduced contrast of the text attacts my eyes physically. There have been so many good suggestions to improve the usability of the forum, which are waiting for years now. But TMW decides to reduce the readability of the text instead. What's wrong with clear and sharp characters in black on white?!
Thank you Jan, and everyone else, for the constructive feedback and ongoing conversation about the new design for MATLAB Answers. We (the MathWorks community team) are listening to your comments and intend to continue to address issues in an ongoing attempt to improve the design and usefulness of MATLAB Answers. This recent update, as you noticed, was a significant overhaul and we are working to identify and resolve issues as quickly as possible.
One other annoyance. I've zoomed in my Firefox browser to make the text larger and easier to see. But if I click on 'Commented on' to go to the latest posting in the thread, it doesn't put the top of the comment at the top of the browser viewing window. The comment is actually above the viewing window so I have to scroll up a bit (text moves down on the screen) to see it.
[FOLLOW UP] Actually it doesn't depend on zoom. When I reset the zoom (View->Zoom->Reset) it still places the comment above the viewing window.
Why are there so many frames within frames? A comment lies inside the frame of my monitor, inside the frame of the browser, inside the discussion thread frame, below an answer frame, inside a comment frame, inside a text frame. The result is a bunch of cluttered boxes that inhibit natural flow of a discussion.
In particular, boxes around comments make the text box look active, as if the user can edit their own or anyone else's text: