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Contributors metainfo: reputation and more
Latest activity Reply by Rena Berman
on 7 Jun 2023
As asked by Vieniava in "How to make a list of user's reputation?", some of us came up with interesting ideas on how to fill an updated list with the reputation scores of the contributors to Answers.
I took the initiative to compile a public list of users with meta info:
- position (desc ordering by reputation)
- id
- nickname (truncated to fit the page)
- reputation
- # of comments
- # of questions asked
- % accept rate
- # of posts answered
- # of accepted answers
The code used to compile the list is available at the bottom.
TMW team implemented a page with the metascores:
Please refer to it and congrats to the team!
Use this function to retrieve info from the link above:
function [metainfo, elapsedTime] = metainfo(type,order)
% METAINFO - Retrieve metainfo on contributors to
% METAINFO Retrieve data sorted by reputation in descending order
% METAINFO(TYPE,ORDER) Specify TYPE and sorting ORDER as
% type : 'reputation'
% 'questions'
% 'answered'
% 'accepted'
% order: 'asc'
% 'desc'
% Examples:
% % Standard call (rep, disc)
% info = metainfo;
% % Sort by question answered in descending order
% info = metainfo('an','d');
% Author: Oleg Komarov (
% Tested on R14SP3 (7.1) and on R2009b. In-between compatibility is assumed.
% 28 feb 2011 - Created
% Check # inputs
% Retrieve inputs
if nargin == 0
type = 'reputation';
order = 'desc';
if ~exist(type,'var')
sortTypes = {'reputation','questions','answered','accepted'};
type = sortTypes{strncmp(type,sortTypes,numel(type))};
order = 'desc';
if ~exist(order,'var')
orderTypes = {'asc','desc'};
type = orderTypes{strncmp(order,orderTypes,numel(order))};
% Build url string
url = [''...
'dir=' order '&sort=' type '&page='];
% First read
[page, ok] = urlread([url '1']);
% Catch number of pages to read
if ok
totcon = regexp(page,'>1 - 50 of (\d+)','tokens');
totcon = dataread('string',totcon{1}{1},'%d');
nPages = ceil(totcon/50);
error('Cannot read ".../contributors?page=1"')
% Loop over contributors pages
metainfo = cell(totcon,7);
metainfo(1:end,1) = num2cell(1:size(metainfo,1));
for p = 1:nPages
if ok
endpos = 50*p;
% Id, Rep
expr = '><a href="\/matlabcentral\/answers\/contributors\/(\d+)';
data = regexp(page, expr,'tokens');
if 50*p > totcon; endpos = 50*(p-1)+numel(data); end
metainfo(1+(p-1)*50:endpos,2) = [data{:}];
% Nickname
expr = ['"Reputation: (\d+)">([\w\ ' reshape([repmat(92,1,137);33:59,61:64,91:97,123:126,161:255],1,[]) ']+)</a></h2>'];
data = regexp(page, expr,'tokens');
metainfo(1+(p-1)*50:endpos,[4,3]) = cat(1,data{:});
% Qcount, Ans, Acc
data = regexp(page, '<span >(\d+)</span>[A-z<>"-\s\/]+','tokens');
metainfo(1+(p-1)*50:endpos,5:7) = reshape(cat(1,data{:}),3,[]).';
error('Metainfo import stopped. \nCannot read ".../contributors?page=%d"',p)
[page, ok] = urlread([url sprintf('%d',p+1)]);
% Convert to doubles
metainfo(:,[2,4:7]) = cellfun(@str2double,metainfo(:,[2,4:7]),'un',false);
elapsedTime = toc;
(Answers Dev) Congrats to our newest Editor, @Paul, for reaching user level 7 at 3k reputation points!! Thank you for all of your efforts in MATLAB Answers!
(Answers Dev) Congrats to our newest MVP, @DGM, for reaching user level 8 at 5k reputation points and getting the Ace Badge!! Thank you for all of your efforts in MATLAB Answers!
Finally! This means I can quit now, right?
Just kidding. Thanks though. Maybe in time I'll do more to earn it.
š„³congratulations! Thank you for the top answers, and a few interesting discussions along the way.
Thanks for your very educational answers. šš
(Answers Dev) Congrats to @Torsten for reaching user level 9 at 10k reputation points and achieving the Master badge!! Thank you for all of your efforts in MATLAB Answers!
(Answers Dev) Congrats to @Matt J for reaching user level 10 at 25k reputation points and achieving the Grand Master badge!! Thank you so much for all of your efforts in MATLAB Answers!

Congratz, Matt!
(Answers Dev) Congrats @Geoff Hayes for reaching User level 9 at 10k points and getting the Master Badge!! Also congrats to @_, our newest MVP for reaching User level 8 at 5k reputation points and getting the Ace Badge!! Thank you both for all of your efforts in MATLAB Answers!
Thanks everyone!
Thank you Rena, Adam, and Chen!
Thanks for your valuable, creative, and committed contributions to the forum @Geoff Hayes and @_ ! I've learned a lot from both of your contributions!
I think it would be a great idea to identify prolific users in each toolbox. For example, I do not have enough leisure time, and of course expertise, to reach to the top of the leaderboard. But I regularly check the questions asked about SimEvents and answer the majority of the questions asked there.
And what @Bruno Luong mentions is a very fair question, sometimes phrased as "Are we going to pay this person to sit around helping outsiders a lot of the time, or do we need them to concentrate on working for us?"
There are cases where helping people would be part of the job, and thus long-established evidence that the person is helpful for sustained periods might be entirely relevant. But would the person be able to switch focus to helping the new organization exclusively (during working hours), or would you be doing the equivalent of paying to "air condition the outside", if they are not likely to focus.
There is a degree to which helping outside people improves the skills of the person doing the helping -- exposing them to new skills and ideas that they might be able to apply to the paying organization. But a lot of organizations are not willing to pay for that.
Does the organization have a continuing education budget that it encourages people to use even if the benefits might not be immediately obvious? To, for example, take an Astronomy course while working in a Telephony position, under the principle that it helps keep the person's mind fresh and innovating and that there could turn out to be skills or questions in the course that turn out to be useful in unpredicted ways, that learning does not go to waste, that the "networking" to new groups of people might come in handy?
Some organizations work on that principle of continuous learning, and so to them the kind of activities implied by long Answers experience might be just fine. But a lot of organizations pay employees to do specific things to directly benefit the organization, and for those (the majority), asking whether the Answerer is going to concentrate on "their work" is relevant.
It might have even an opposite effect; the person who wants to hire you check and see you spend too much time on a Answers and decide that the job is not for you.
I was in the top ten of the reputation points several times. This does not produce any benefits. The provided solutions are not better and the asking persons are not more satisfied or thankful.
If you help a specific person 5 times and this person is responsible for hiring you for a job, you will see that the participation in this forum is connected to a real world reputation beyond the points.
Thanks! Sorry, haven't been around much the last year and a half so didn't see this before.
Congratulations Adam š š
@Adam: congratulations, it is good having you here!
Amazing achievement! Thanks for sharing your expertise with the community.
Congratulations, Adam! I've learned a lot from your answers.
Congratulations to our latest editor @David Hill at 3k reputation points! Thank you for all of your efforts in MATLAB Answers!
Congratulations David!
Congratulations @Star Strider for getting to 50k reputation points!!! Thank you so much for all of your efforts in MATLAB Answers!!
Thank you!
This is a amazing milestone. Congratulations and thank you for your outstanding contribution to the community. @Star Strider
Thank you!
Congratulations! Try to imagine this emoji clapping 50,000 times: š
Thank you all!
50000 claps! It'll take me 4 hours.
(Answers Dev) Congratulations to @Adam Danz for getting to 10000 points and getting the Master badge!!! Thank you so much for your time and effort in Answers :)
Huge congratulations, Adam. Thank you for your outstanding contribution to Answers and the entire MATLAB Central community.
Thanks for your posts Adam, I have learned a lot from you. I hope to learn much more ;)
Congratulations Adam Danz! Thank you for the many interesting discussions and posts!
I knew it was an important vote.
(Answers Dev) Congratulations @darova on 3000 points and reaching editor status! Thank you so much for your efforts in Answers!
im just doing my job
Keep up the good work.